Jual Mobil Lewat Internet

Salah satu ritual yang dilakukan mahasiswa yang telah selesai studinya adalah menjual beberapa barang yang dianggap berharga. Salah satunya adalah mobil istri saya. Sebenarnya selain mobil, masih ada kulkas, TV, DVD player, furnitures, microwave dll yang sebenarnya masih layak dijual yang totalnya bisa $AU 500. Tapi saya dan istri sepakat untuk menghibahkan itu semua, selain tak punya kapasitas untuk tawar menawar, yang beresiko merusak relasi, toh semua barang itu didapat dari jatah beasiswa.

IMG_3175editSelain, karena mobil dibeli tidak dari uang beasiswa alias dari utangan, harganya juga relatif masih bagus. Minggu lalu saya menjual Mobil istri Toyota Camry CSX tahun 1999. Saya mengiklankan di allclassified.com.au dengan biaya $AU 15 per foto dan di   billboard.anu.edu, dua situs andalan mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan barang bekas bermutu.

Menariknya, baru beberapa jam setelah diupload langsung dapat email yang isinya seperti berikut.

I will like to know if the Ad is still available for sale and i will
offer you $6,300.00 hope to read from you soon.

Email ini aneh dan saya sudah tahu ini penipu. Lha wong ditawarinnya $6,200 kok ditawar $6,300. Tapi saya ingin meneruskannya, mumpung banyak waktu luang sebelum pulang. Lha setelah saya jawab, orang yang mengaku sebagai Brelia Moore ini membalas lagi.

Hi,thanks for mailing back,i want you to send me the recent photos,
i am happy to read from you and i want you to know that am buying this
for Dad…I would have prefer to come and inspect the car
and pay you in cash but i cant due to the nature of my work,I’m an
oceanist,i am at sea right now, and I am glad you accepted my offer.I
can only pay through paypal at the moment as i do not have access to
my bank account online,but i have it attached to my paypal account,
and this is why i insisted on using paypal to pay,all i will need is
your paypal email address to make the payment,and if  you do not have
a paypal account yet,its pretty easy to set one up at www.paypal.com,i
will be expecting your email.I have a pick up agent that will come for
the pick up after payment has been sorted.
Email me here.

Sekedar tahu saja, dalam sehari ada tiga orang yang semuanya  mengaku Oceanist dan ingin membeli tanpa menawar.  Dua email yang lain, karena pasti menipu, saya balas dengan agak keras dan lucu seperti berikut.

I dont care if you are an Oceanist or a Prime Minister, send your money to my ID at Paypal and I also don’t care if the Prime Minister Himself pick up the car after you pay it.

Tapi satu saya sisakan untuk mengetahui langkah sang penipu lebih lanjut. Setelah saya berikan account paypal, dia membalas lagi.

i was just abt to make the payment for the car when i had this little
problem with the picking up of the car, i just got an email from my
agent that he won’t come and pick up the car unless i pay him the
agent commission fee first in order to be able to schedule a pick up
time for the car, my pick up agent head quarters is in the United
Kingdom and all payments made for pick up from anywhere in the world
is sent to their head quarters in the Uk and the only form of payments
they accept is western union money transfer and i tried to pay online
but i will need a credit card which i didnt bring on board, and there
is no post office or any western union agent on sea! so i have to ask
you to help me with the pick up fees, i will include the $450 they
charged to pick up the car and take it to my Dad(1st class treatment),
to the payments i will send through paypal, after i have made the
payments, i will need you to help me send the $450 to my pick up agent
through western union money transfer, the western union money transfer
can be made at a post office near to you,there is always a western
union agent in most post offices or online at www.westernunion.com .I
will be making the payments shortly and will email you as soon as it
has been done.

Setelah itu dia mengirim fake email ke email yang saya pakai untuk paypal yang mengindikasikan seolah-olah telah melakukan pembayaran sesuai harga ditambah uang utk western union. Pengirimnya adalah breliamoore001@gmail.com, tetapi namanya diganti dengan service@intl.paypal.com, sehingga seolah-olah dari Paypal. Saya memang tidak terlalu jago di IT, tapi  jika Allah melindungi, penipuan begini masih bisa tahu. Lha wong kita yang jual kok disuruh bayar. Nggak logis sama sekali.

Kemudian, dia mengirim email lagi dengan waktu sangat singkat berbunyi berikut:

Hello Bayu,
I have just made the payments now and i expect paypal to have emailed
by now,check your paypal email address if you have been messaged yet,i
sent $6,850.00 in all, paypal said they would be holding the funds
because of the excess payments of $450.00 added meant for pick up of
the (Car) and due to the fact that i emailed them about the excess
payment i made, until they get the western union information from
you,the (Car)is being delivered to Dad, i will need you to send the
$450.00 to my pick up agent Headquarters via western union money
transfer(this can be done from the post office,as they usually have a
western union agent there),i added extra $100 to cover the western
union charges which shouldn’t be more that $60-80 but just to be sure
i added $100, Here is my pick up agent Headquarter info needed to get
the money sent through western union money transfer:

Name    : Maurice Padilla,
Address: 18 Great Sutton Street,
State     : London.
Country : United Kingdom.
Zip Code:EC1V 0NB.

Please kindly email the necessary details to paypal : The mtcn which
you will be given at the western union after the $450.00 has been sent
as well as the sender’s name and address used to send the money
through western union aswell as the secret question and answer used in
sending the $450.00 so i can forward it to paypal or better still you
can email it to paypal directly,that is fine with me as well for the
money i sent to be credited into your account after they might have
received the information they needed to release the whole money in
your account. I will need your address where the (Car) will be picked
up,and my pickup agent will contact you after they have received the
payments in order to book a time for the pick up to be done.
Cheers!! Brelia

Saya sudah tahu motifnya, caranya dan prosedur penipuan itu, sekarang tinggal bagaimana menghentikannya. Saya balas dengan sangat sopan.

You try to fool me by using a fake Paypal email.
Please seek refuge to Allah, no God but Allah, Muhammad is his Massager and remember the day of Judgment.

Akhirnya mobilnya laku $5,100, dibeli anak muda yang senang sekali dan sangat antusias dengan mobil istri saya, karena dapat mobil dengan harga murah.  Saya tunjukkan kekurangan-kekurangan mobil tsb sebelum transaksi terjadi. Setelah transaksi saya senang, dia senang . Begitulah seharusnya jual beli.

Notification of an Instant Payment Received from Brelia Moore(breliamoore001@gmail.com)

Inbox X



to me

show details 16 Nov (9 days ago)
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Dear  Bayu Kurniadi (bdardias@gmail.com),
This email confirms that Brelia Moore has sent you $6,850.00 AUD
View the details of this transaction here:
Payment Details

Purchased From:Bayu Kurniadi
Transaction ID:0TR19308DU070732T
Item #
Item Title
$6,850.00 $6,850.00
Shipping & Handling
(includes any seller handling fees)
Shipping Insurance (optional):
$6,850.00 AUD